Ruscus Bamboo
Shibataea kumasaca
Height: 7′
Diameter: ‘3″
Cold Resistance:-5 F
Light:Sun to shade
With tiny little canes and oval shaped leaves this bamboo hardly looks like bamboo at all. When mature it looks a lot like a hedge.
Although this bamboo is listed by the ABS as getting to 7 feet tall all the groves I’ve seen were under 5 feet. Until we went to the Biltmore estate in Asheville NC. There is a grove along side a road there that is easily 7′ tall and very dense.
I planted this many years ago, in an area with no sun and it grew extremely slow. I finally moved it to the side of my drive with plenty of sun and it really took off. Just as it started to fill out nicely we had to have our power lines buried and the trench went right through the little grove. It is slowly recovering. The rhizomes are very small and extremely shallow making this an easy bamboo to control. It seems to prefer well drained soil, slightly acidic. Below is the 7 foot Ruscus in Asheville.

The grove in Asheville. Larry is 6 feet tall. I love this bamboo.

Ruscus bamboo leaves.