Big plants heading

Golden Bamboo

Phyllostachys aurea

Height: 27′
Diameter: 2″
Cold Resistance:0 F.
Light:Sun to light shade

This must be one of the more common bamboos in the U.S., at least here in the southeast. It was widely distributed to farmers back in the 1940’s and 50’s as a farm crop. It is often called Fishing pole bamboo and it makes an ideal one, just the right size and it has a natural handhold at the base. It was often used as bean poles. The compacted or distorted nodes at the base of the canes are the most distinct feature of this bamboo. The base and first couple of feet can be almost solid making this a good cane for furniture and crafts. When grown in full sun it does have a “golden” look, thus the common name.

Golden Bamboo

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Golden bamboo shoot

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