These books on Carnivorous plants are some of the better ones I’ve read. They provide lots of information on identifying, growing, and propagating carnivorous plants.
Pitcher Plants of the Americas
by Stewart McPherson
This covers pitcher plants species from Canada to the tip of South America. This is an in depth book covering all 5 genera of pitcher plants including over 45 species and hybrids. There are over 200 color photographs and these alone make the book worth the price. The text offers an overview of the biology, ecology, ranges, unique features and conservation of the different species. This is a beautiful book and I highly recommend it.
The Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants
by Peter D’Amato
A great book for someone just getting interested in carnivorous plants. The author provides the information you need to choose the right plant for your climate and growing conditions. There are descriptions of hundreds of plants with pictures throughout the book. One of the things I liked best about this book was the detailed information on both growing these unique plants and propagating them. Both tropical and temperate species of carnivorous plants are covered.
Carnivorous plants grow in very unique soils with strict cultivation and feeding requirements. This book lays out what you need to know in clear, easy to understand writing. Peter D’Amato has been growing carnivorous plants for over 30 years and shares what he has learned. Weather growing on a windowsill, in a terrarium, or in your own bog, you can find the information you need.